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4.8.0-0.okd-2023-02-11-154527 Download installer and client with:
oc adm release extract --tools Team Approvals:
No tests for this release
Created: 2023-02-11 15:45:33 +0000 UTC
Image Digest: sha256:de5b18b5b79f6af72578b43c26a1706b9b10a2e8ff4c33b2e689ed656c1a173c
Kubernetes upgraded from 1.21.1 to 1.21.14
Fedora CoreOS 48.34.4
Removed images
Rebuilt images without code change
Updating ose-cluster-autoscaler-operator builder & base images to be consistent with ART #193
Bug 2026237 : Change ClusterAutoscalerUnschedulablePods severity to info #232
Bug 1995595 : add csidrivers and csistoragecapacities to autoscaler cluster role #220
Bug 1991501 : Do not recreate CA deployment when CA CR is being deleted #217
Full changelog
Bug 2022844 : Extensive number of requests from storage version operator in cluster β Part 4 #79
Bug 2022844 : Extensive number of requests from storage version operator in cluster β Part 1 #78
Full changelog
Bug 2052097 : global pull secret not working in OCP4.7.4+ for additio⦠#493
Bug 2003946 : Deploy PDB to prevent more than one replica going unavailable #473
Bug 1994655 : apiservice-controller: don’t update the failing condition when an operator has been requested to shutdown #482
Bug 1996044 : bindata: run openshift-apiserver as root explicitly. #467
Bug 1979303 : clear encryption conditions when there is no work to be done #463
Full changelog
Updating configmap-reload builder & base images to be consistent with ART #32
Full changelog
Bug 2071200 : Fix setting of custom cert for default route #643
Bug 2008141 : Change web terminal subscription permissions from get to list #595
Bug 2041359 : Bump build-machinery-go for console-operator to pickup change in yaml-patch repository #627
Bug 2018391 : Remove SimpleHTTP ‘server’ response header value #606
Bug 1987315 : Bump openshift/api to add missing ‘’ annotation to the ConsolePlugin CRD #591
Bug 2003639 : Use for workload anti-affiβ¦ β¦nity #589
Bug 2001268 : console-operator should report Available=true when at least available replica exists #583
Bug 1976349 : Add policy-group label to the openshift-console namespace manifest #561
Full changelog
Updating ose-containernetworking-plugins builder & base images to be consistent with ART #42
Full changelog
Bug 2101388 : bump to k8s 1.21.14 #1301
OCPBUGS-1461 : UPSTREAM: 109103: cpu/memory manager containerMap memory leak #1371
Bug 2083557 : UPSTREAM: 109935: fix: exclude non-ready nodes and deleted nodes from azure load balancers #1257
Bug 2105664 : UPSTREAM: <carry>: update list of deprecated apis #1317
[release 4.8] Bug Bug 2106970: UPSTREAM: <carry>: use correct base image for testing #1323
Bug 2077004 : Rebase 1.21.11 #1246
Bug 2063953 : UPSTREAM: <carry>: use hardcoded rest mapper from library-go #1245
Bug 2075043 : golang toolchain unsupported parsers tag #1240
Bug 2043808 : IPs with leading zeros are still valid in the apiserver #1173
Bug 2060494 : Backports inotify leak fix into kubelet #1203
Bug 2024642 : Rebase v1.21.8 #1102
Bug 2050131 : UPSTREAM: <carry>: set correctly static pods CPUs when workload partitioning is disabled #1168
Bug 2039377 : UPSTREAM: 89885: SQUASH: Retry fetching clouds.conf #1108
Bug 2029466 : UPSTREAM: 107014: Mark volume as uncertain after Unmount* fails #1146
Bug 2024995 : Fix subpath source check #1067
Bug 2032325 : UPSTREAM: <carry>: api request counts for current hour are incorrect #1092
Bug 2022741 : UPSTREAM: 106260: Don’t guess SELinux support on error #1054
Bug 2021997 : Read k8s version from hyperkube Dockerfile #1045
Updating openshift-enterprise-hyperkube builder & base images to be consistent with ART #559
Bug 2017027 : UPSTREAM: <drop>: bump apiserver-library-go #1069
Bug 2022265 : Rebase v1.21.6 #1060
Updating openshift-enterprise-pod images to be consistent with ART #680
Bug 2020644 : Image policy should mutate DeploymentConfigs, StatefulSets, and new CronJobs #1050
Bug 1994655 : openshift-apiserver should not set Available=False APIServicesAvailable on update #955
Bug 2008403 : Rebase v1.21.5 #981
Bug 2011460 : UPSTREAM: <carry>: openshift-hack/images/os/Dockerfile: Add, etc. #1005
Bug 1995714 : UPSTREAM: <carry>: admission/managementcpusoverride: cover the roll-back case #895
Bug 1994457 : Update to kubernetes 1.21.4 #888
Bug 1993754 : UPSTREAM: 104347: Pass additional flags to subpath mount to avoid fla⦠#940
Bug 1998391 : UPSTREAM: 104530: [1.21] bump runc to 1.0.2 #912
Bug 1957133 : do not throw error when we can’t get canonical path #854
Bug 1981770 : UPSTREAM: <drop>: bump(apiserver-library-go) #864
Bug 1981633 : UPSTREAM: <carry>: prevent the kubecontrollermanager service-ca from getting less secure #858
Bug 1981633 : UPSTREAM: <carry>: add a way to inject a vulnerable, legacy service-c⦠#856
Bug 1977351 : UPSTREAM: <carry>: Reject the pod creation when we can not decide the cluster type #833
Bug 1977924 : [release-4.8] Ensure scc compatibility with BoundServiceAccountTokenVolume #842
Bug 1975938 : update Multi-AZ Cluster Volumes test name #829
Bug 1973580 : only chown if non-windows machine with projected volumes #815
Full changelog
TBD: Gather status of the resources (#659) (#665) (#668) #659
Bug 2077765 : Gather namespace names with overlapping UIDs (#605) (#611) (#612) #605
Bug 2033546 : Gather all CostManagementMericsConfig definitions. (#525) (#569) #525
Update OWNERS (#543) #543
Bug 2027720 : gather webhook configurations (#508) (#560) #508
Bug 2026646 : Gather all the container logs from related namespaces of degraded clusteroperator (#516) (#554) #516
Bug 2021572 : Anonymize identity provider attributes in the (#520) (#527) (#541) #520
Bug 2020601 : Anonymize the ImageRegistry storage information also in status (#536) #536
obfuscation ovn clusters bug (#523) #523
Bug TBD: Gather installed PSP names (#489) (#490) #489
Bug 1977342 : Fix obfuscation translation table secret 4.8 (#467) #467
Gather all MachineConfig definitions (#449) (#459) #449
Bug 1974877 : Add egress ips to anonymizer to 4.8 (#462) #462
Bug 1982170 : Set also the summary operation when updating status (#475) #475
MemoryRecord name can be obfuscated & fix case of duplicate records (#444) (#453) #444
Full changelog
Updating ironic-hardware-inventory-recorder-image builder & base images to be consistent with ART #504
Full changelog
OCPBUGS-2205 : Fix DNS endpoint hack to prefer local instead of forcing it #469
Bug 2063971 : delete stale UDP conntrack entries for loadbalancer IPs #414
Bug 2092166 : Masquerade in cluster traffic that is marked for egress IP #435
Remove some binaries that accidentally got committed #398
Bug 2027397 : [EgressIP] move ct(commit) action from OVS group to flow #377
Bug 2014166 : Remove locking from EgressIPTracker.Ping #362
Bug 2002290 : [4.8] proxy: don’t re-check every userspace proxy rule on every change #347
Bug 1987239 : when assigning and releasing egressIP try more than once before failing #326
Bug 1999946 : improve SDN’s OVS healthcheck and logging #341
Bug 1995871 : Disable conntrack for vxlan traffic #337
Updating ose-sdn builder & base images to be consistent with ART #255
Updating kube-proxy builder & base images to be consistent with ART #256
Bug 1972864 : [4.8] fix local-with-fallback #322
Full changelog
Updating ose-kube-storage-version-migrator images to be consistent with ART #174
Full changelog
Updating ose-libvirt-machine-controllers builder & base images to be consistent with ART #217
Full changelog
Bug 2052758 : [4.8] PVs are not being cleaned up after PVC deletion #41
Updating local-storage-static-provisioner builder & base images to be consistent with ART #31
Full changelog
Bug 2048496 : Fix user-agent in vCenter sessions list #984
Bug 2027896 : [release-4.8] Add support for Azure Marketplace Images #970
Bug 2026562 : MaxUnhealthy should not be a string type #962
Bug 2022838 : GCP CI runs are complaining about APIs not being enabled #953
Bug 1999585 : [release-4.8] add alert for machine with long deletion phase #908
Bug 2000038 : Respect MaxUnhealthy limit for external remediation #910
Bug 1993117 : Make sure nodes don’t have attached volumes before vm deletion #903
Bug 1977634 : Prevent machine from stucking in Deleting phase on vSphere if related node object not found #896
Updating ose-machine-api-operator builder & base images to be consistent with ART #796
Bug 1973233 : [release-4.8] remove kubevirt images and references #876
Full changelog
Updating ose-multus-admission-controller builder & base images to be consistent with ART #32
Full changelog
Updating multus-cni builder & base images to be consistent with ART #95
Bug 1972167 : Updates entrypoint to rebuild kubeconfig when service account token or ca changes #108
Full changelog
Updating multus-networkpolicy builder & base images to be consistent with ART #6
Full changelog
Updating ose-multus-route-override-cni builder & base images to be consistent with ART #12
Full changelog
OCPBUGS-24791 : Updating golang-github-openshift-oauth-proxy-container image to be consistent with ART #270
OCPBUGS-21718 : go.mod: bump to v0.17.0 #266
OCPBUGS-18858 : Updating golang-github-openshift-oauth-proxy images to be consistent with ART #265
OCPBUGS-16459 : bump kube and lib-go to get rid of goproxy dep #260
fix route apiVersion #257
Updating golang-github-openshift-oauth-proxy images to be consistent with ART #251
APPSRE-7970 : Add support for configuring upstream timeout #258
OCPBUGS-14033 : Handle TERM signal gracefully #255
AUTH-373 : add audit-ID headers to TokenReview and SAR requests #252
Update logo #245
fix json examples for –openshift-delegate-urls #203
Use resourceName in Openshift SAR rule #243
Updating golang-github-openshift-oauth-proxy images to be consistent with ART #241
Bug 2026860 : ocp provider: don’t fail client creation if oauth-server cert is not present #238
Golang bump 1.17 #235
Bug 1966298 : Update #223
Bug 1986810 : trust the oauth-server when constructing a client to OpenShift #220
Bug 1980235 : deprecate version #218
Updating golang-github-openshift-oauth-proxy images to be consistent with ART #216
Updating .ci-operator.yaml build_root_image
from openshift/release #215
Full changelog
Updating openstack-cluster-api-controllers-container image to be consistent with ART for 4.18 #322
OCPBUGS-34072 : Updating openstack-cluster-api-controllers-container image to be consistent with ART for 4.17 #317
Merge into main #316
Remove dulek from shiftstack-team #313
NO-JIRA: Bump to latest CAPO v0.10 #314
NO-JIRA: Bump to latest CAPO v0.10 #312
OCPBUGS-33170 : openshift: Set FallbackToLogsOnError on infra-cluster controller #311
OSASINFRA-3437 : Rebase on CAPO v0.10 #305
OCPBUGS-31277 : Updating openstack-cluster-api-controllers-container image to be consistent with ART for 4.16 #301
π Persist API FloatingIP immediately on creation #1831
:bug: Fix patching OpenstackMachine’s immutable spec during reconcile #1819
β¨ Add flags for configuring rate limits #1817
:bug: Fix potential panic during instance create #1806
π Revert “Move FloatingIP to Bastion spec” #1783
π± Import CAPI v1.6.0 #1780
π± Bump version artifacts for release-0.9 #1775
π Verify success of parsing OpenStack cloud cacert #1770
π Fix network-related docs for API v1alpha7 #1764
π± Remove Containerfile and Dockerfile experimental #1760
π± Fix log message typo #1758
π Update e2e testing image of CAPI version from 1.5.0 to 1.5.1 #1754
πFix missing endpoint type in OpenStack endpoint clients configuration #1744
β¨remove flavor check to relief restrictions to CPU #1745
β οΈ Move FloatingIP to Bastion spec #1739
β οΈ Bump Go to 1.20.10 #1740
β¨ Add ephemeral storage support to the AdditionalBlockDevices #1696
β¨ Use kustomize new syntax for patches #1735
β¨ Add cache on provider scope #1688
π± deps: Bump dependencies #1733
π± Enable k8s upgrade in self hosted test #1732
π± Use k8s v1.28 in tests #1723
π Don’t remove BYO api server loadbalancer floating IP #1728
π± Replace kustomize vars with replacements #1726
π± e2e: dump cinder volumes #1722
π± Ignore go workspaces #1724
π± E2e: Use pre-build node images #1699
β¨ Add option to customize private network MTU #1701
:seedling: ci: bump Flatcar tested version #1713
π± ci: Several CI fixes #1718
β¨ Add server name for the Machine InternalDNS #1715
π± Bump devstack image to ubuntu 22.04 #1716
π± Add explicit dependency on #1712
π± Allow custom KUBEBUILDER_ASSETS_DIR in tests #1710
π± Ignore vendor directories in boilerplate check #1709
π± Build setup-envtest in hack/tools #1707
π± Bump ginkgo #1705
:sparkles: Additional data volumes for machines #1668
π± gitignore: ignore vendor/ directory #1690
π± Move webhook CA injection into webhook resource #1686
Update Gophercloud to 1.7.0 #1682
π Only delete all ports when deleting cluster network #1680
:book: Clarify release notes content for releases and pre-releases #1678
π± Remove defaulter-gen #1677
:book: doc/development: add devstack notes #1569
π± Add test for getOrCreate #1673
Set failure only on instance error when no nodeRef #1637
π±Fix various issues with CRD generation #1669
β¨Allow changing allowAllInClusterTraffic in a deployed cluster #1663
avoid duplicate error event #1655
π±Bump CAPI to v1.5.1 #1666
π±Structured logging migration of instance.go, service.go, floatingip.go, and securitygroups.go #1631
Fix v1alpha6 -> v1alpha7 idempotence #1626
π Don’t fail when deleting non-existing port #1660
π Fix panic on delete before cluster is initialised #1657
πFix failing clusterctl upgrade test (second attempt) #1661
πFix failing clusterctl upgrade test #1659
π± Bump golangci-lint to 1.54.2 #1652
π fix port cleanup when using CAPO-created cluster network #1651
:bug: Fix Port Leaks #1648
π± Update verbosity levels in instance.go #1635
π Fix APIVersion to use existing router with OpenStackCluster #1638
π± Migrate pkg/cloud/services/networking/network.go and router.go to structured logging #1624
π Fix application credential support in env.rc #1646
π±Remove APIServerLoadBalancer.Provider Up Conversion #1642
π±Migrate controllers/openstackcluster_controller.go to structured logging #1630
:seedling: Migrating /pkg/cloud/services/loadbalancer/loadbalancer.go and /controllers/openstackmachine_controller.go to structured logging #1621
β¨ Add --version
flag #1641
β¨ Add support to IPv6 in Machine’s status #1633
π± chore: use capo cluster agent for API requests #1614
β¨ Update to CAPI 1.5 #1600
π± Simplify types of Instance.SecurityGroup and Instance.Networks #1625
remove subnet from the output in kubectl get
:sparkles: Allow Use of Public CAs #1610
:seedling: ci: bump flatcar to latest stable #1607
π Add link to book in README #1602
π± Add metadata for release 0.8 #1601
β οΈ Update NetworkStatus ready for dual stack #1577
π± E2e: Unify machine log collection #1595
π± E2e: Bump the tested Kubernetes versions #1594
π± E2e: Implement LogCollector interface #1581
β¨ Allowing update of OpenstackCluster API server fixed IP #1590
:sparkles: Add additional sec group rule for additionalPorts of LB #1592
do not set failure reason/message when LB not created #1591
π± Replace #1585
π± dependencies: Bump Go stdlib #1584
π Fix deadlock #1579
π± Bump Kubernetes version used in e2e tests #1571
β οΈ Remove ProjectID from PortOpts #1575
π Always filter cluster subnets by cluster network ID #1572
π± E2e: Bump clusterctl upgrade to start from v0.7.2 #1568
:warning: Transform Profile
into an interface #1560
π± Set provider ID through kubelet in ubuntu templates #1551
β οΈRemove last uses of TenantID and pagination filters #1563
:seedling: Deprecate v1alpha5 #1561
:seedling: bump docker distribution to 2.8.2+incompatible #1562
β οΈ Replace SubnetParam with SubnetFilter #1559
β οΈ Replace SecurityGroupParam with SecurityGroupFilter #1557
π±Remove unused fields from ExternalNetwork #1555
π±Remove PortOpts from Network #1550
π± Reduce the Bastion status to only fields which are used #1546
β οΈ Remove PortOpts.SecurityGroups #1516
Use instead of kubernetes-release bucket #1542
Fix OWNERS_ALIASES syntax error #1543
Update external approvers #1536
β οΈ Remove Networks #1518
Add lentzi90 to cluster-api-openstack-maintainers #1537
β οΈ Remove v1alpha3 and v1alpha4 #1527
Update linter to v1.52.2 #1534
π± Remove creation of 2 Events for the same event #1531
π Patch: Backport Provider to v1alpha6 #1530
π Improve env.rc
templates #1381
β¨ Support propagate uplink status #1481
β¨Infer port network from subnet #1519
:seedling: ci: bump flatcar to latest major stable #1524
π± bump docker to 20.10.24+incompatible #1525
:warning: flatcar: make external-cloud-provider-flatcar the default one #1522
:seedling: pull cluster-api@v1.4.1 #1521
β οΈ Deprecate In-tree Cloud Provider #1514
π± Bump gophercloud to v1.3.0 #1520
:sparkles: Add RouterName for use existing router #1370
Restore APIServerLoadBalancer.Provider on up-conversion #1517
π Document removal of OpenStackMachineSpec.Subnet #1515
π± Un-pointer PortOpts.SecurityGroups #1511
β¨Add Octavia OVN Provider Support #1501
Add dulek to reviewers #1512
β οΈRemove OpenStackMachineSpec.Subnet #1504
π± Add fuzzy conversion tests for v1alpha6 #1509
:book: docs/configuration: add Flatcar to OS section #1503
:bug: e2e: refresh packages list before install containerd #1507
:sparkles: templates: add flatcar template #1444
π Add documentation for creating local test environments #1500
π fix: allow using multiattach volume types #1498
β οΈ Add v1alpha7 #1497
β¨ Support value specs for Ports #1452
fix: fix typo of worker rules and controller rules #1492
π Switch to “4” instead of “ipip” for rules #1489
:bug: Fix Provisioning to Unavailable AZs #1479
π uplift golang and x/net #1482
Fix “internal ip doesn’t exist (yet)” in e2e logs #1474
Remove the resource and machine tickers from e2e tests #1471
Fix boilerplate linter #1473
Download golangci-lint instead of building it #1470
π± Bump gophercloud to v1.2.0 #1463
π Add documentation about –ca-cert flag #1467
π Return from reconciler after adding finalizer #1464
β¨ Add Tags to API-Loadbalancer resources #1457
π Fix Tilt by adding CAPO label in tilt-provider.json #1430
Add e2e remediation tests #1380
π± Add e2e self hosted test #1428
Envtest mocks #1236
π± Bump ginkgo to v2.7.0 and sync with hack/tools #1460
check flavor and reject CPUs less than 2 #1451
β¨ add explicit securitycontext to controller #1461
π fix path for taggin and serverMetadata in OpenstackMachineTemplates #1454
β¨ Add ca-cert flag to supply a default ca certificate for each requests #1440
π± Use newer containerd in e2e tests #1456
π± E2e: Use plain ubuntu cloud image #1441
π fix nil-pointer in initial reconciliation loop with empty status field #1445
π±Add log to provide more info in case error happen #1443
π±Be more robust when checking gophercloud errors in IsNotFound #1432
π uplift x/net to 0.4.0 #1427
π±Bump CAPI to v1.3.1 #1424
β¨Add lentzi90 to reviewers #1421
:book: Fix spelling errors on docs #1418
π± e2e: Change logging to avoid use of By #1417
π± Remove It block from clusterctl upgrade #1412
β¨ Bump CAPI to v1.3.0 #1406
π±Release 0.7 patches #1405
π Update Ubuntu, CirrOS & Amphora image #1408
π± Add e2e clusterctl upgrade tests #1371
π± Bump Gophercloud to v1.1.0 #1402
π± scripts: replace apt with apt-get #1401
π± Tag current e2e tests as PR-Blocking #1390
π Allow UDP traffic over nodeports #1396
π±Ensure we capture early devstack logs #1399
π Don’t enable router-ovn service in CI deployments #1400
π Decrease initial backoff for Floating IP operations #1386
π Fix Octavia versions endpoint #1385
π openstackmachine: do not set transient error message and reason #1301
π fix: improve load balancer health checks #1375
π± Synchronize versions between Makefile, Containerfile, e2e and go.mod #1369
:book: Add more infomation to run e2e test in locally #1362
Fix accesIPv4 checking #1366
switch version from float to int #1281
π± CI: Clean openstack volumes #1364
π± Bump CAPI to v1.2.4 #1361
β¨ Enable additional linters and metalinter checks. Fix findings #1359
π± Remove unnecessary mock import aliases #1357
π Don’t require cinder when not using volumes #1353
π± Add the cluster templates back #1354
π± Update golangci-lint (v1.46.2 -> v1.50.0), remove deprecated linters #1342
π Don’t require an InstanceSpec for DeleteInstance #1350
ci: Pin to the yoga version of openstackclient #1352
β¨ Allow for omitting AZ from control plane nodes #1318
π± Group Makefile targets #1343
doc: update calico location #1338
update doc to make it more clear #1335
π fix nilpointer during clusterctl move #1340
update k8s to 1.25 #1330
π± remove apricote from reviewers #1333
π update README to include Yoga #1331
update devstack release #1329
π± add merge strategy markers #1325
π± loop over all GCP zones during instance creation #1324
:bug: Add security groups to ports only #1319
π Update PlantUML version (1.2020.16 -> 1.2022.6) #1321
β¨ Conditions for OpenStackMachines #1288
π Fix go1.19 linting errors #1313
π± Ensure that python and pip is installed for e2e and conformance tests #1309
not assign floating ip when there are multiple controller nodes #1276
π Update calico manifest for e2e testing #1307
β¨ Add re-creation of bastion host on change #1303
e2e test: add more dump output #1304
π Fix conformance tests #1305
refactory sec group code (for additional CNI support) #1299
π± Bump CAPI to v1.2.0 #1302
π± Set ginkgo.timeout in our kubetest config #1297
π± bump to capi v1.2.0-rc.0 #1295
π± only reconcile loadbalancer member if machine is control-plane #1294
β¨ Enable JSON Logging #1296
replace “4” with “ipip” #1290
β¨ Bump to CAPI v1.2.0-beta.1 #1283
π Fix logger arguments #1284
Fix generation of e2e-templates when running conformance tests #1287
π add v1alpha6 breaking changes book page #1285
π± Generate cluster templates with kustomize #1271
π delete port left over by err openstackmachine #1260
Add Age column for osc/osm #1279
β¨ Add v1alpha6 API types #1272
use 1.24 as test env #1277
update doc to reflect latest version, add helm link #1275
nit:make event to log for already associated FIP #1268
π Instance create timeout is in minutes #1267
π Make failure domain optional for OpenStackMachine #1263
β¨ Feature: restrict API Server LB access via IPs #1247
:sparkles: bump golangci-lint version to v1.46.2 #1258
cleanup: remove used file #1243
Passing security groups by specifying more options in addition to UUIDs on ports #1246
π implement conversion for OpenStackClusterTemplate CRD #1249
refactory test code (reuse existing function) #1194
π Add tests for cluster controller #1199
π remove webhooks for old APIversion v1alpha4 #1240
π± Fix ginkgo warnings #1239
π± Remove macaptain from cluster-api-openstack-reviewers #1237
move chrischdi to emeritus_approvers #1233
:bug: Fix nil pointer reference during bastion deletion #1231
:seedling: Update process for release branches #1228
π update PR icon template to match CAPI #1229
π allow up to 20 tabs in book #1224
π± Add release 0.6.x to metadata.yaml #1226
πDon’t set ImageRef on server when booting from volume #1225
πFix conversion of boot from volume images #1223
π always wait for active Loadbalancer after getOrCreate #1200
π Document CRD changes from v1alpha4 to v1alpha5 #1216
π controllers/openstackcluster_controller.go fix nil pointer and dump openstack ports #1217
Improve log message #1202
π bump CAPI to v1.1.3 #1209
πRemove prankul88 as a reviewer #1213
π Add apricote as a reviewer #1212
π replace dead link for cloud.conf details #1211
β οΈ rename v1beta1 to v1alpha5 #1198
address CVE-2022-27191 #1204
β¨ Support Application Credential auth #1189
β¨Refactor CreateInstance and CreateBastion #1191
β οΈ move loadbalancer opts to struct #1187
π Explain mutability of bastion configuration in CRD #1190
π Enable controller tests #1183
π Install sshuttle using pip instead of from source #1185
π Add Scopes to pass data to services #1178
π Address CVE-2022-21698 #1182
π upgrade golangci-lint for go 1.18 support #1184
β¨Export GetFloatingIP #1179
Add unit test for trunk #1172
πupdate doc to talk about microversion #1161
π Fix event target of floating ip operations #1177
Fix flaky UT on gate #1175
Remove internal
AZ special handling #1168
π Clean up removed AvailabilityZones from OpenStackCluster.status.failureDomains
π add info about office hours to README and Book #1167
move CI to xena #1158
π api/v1beta1/openstackmachine_types.go: change errorReason/errorMessage to failureReason/failureMessage #1150
β¨Remove FIXME (adjust the comment and code both) #1157
π containerfile: Bump Go version #1156
π devstack: Allow empty private SSH key #1144
Make hidekazuna emeritus #1152
Avoid set failMessage when bastion creation failed #1138
π OWNERS: satisfy the maintainers tool #1123
manager.yaml: enable metrics endpoint #1141
π Document external repositories referencing CAPO owners #1142
bump CAPI to v1.1.0 #1137
Add test for trunk feature #1128
πBump CAPI to v1.0.4 #1136
β¨ Ensure trunk deletion #1125
β¨Service interface load balancer #1119
π Prevent creation of floating IPs when reconcile load balancer in non ACTIVE state #1115
Remove duplicate tags before making API calls #1112
iamemilio resigns as a reviewer #1113
Document running CI devstack on CentOS #1108
β¨Cinder AZ and volume type support #1030
β¨ improve log entry for ReplaceAllAttributesTags #1110
π Avoid replacing tags when no tags are provided. #1107
Delete trunk on failure #1095
Allow image uuid to be used in instanceSpec #1101
πnit: update doc to include spec #1102
πupdate log to make it clear (LB member instead of LB) #1104
π loadbalancer service: fix metric name for member list #1097
π Migrate CI to Wallaby #1091
Fail fast without create port at all #1094
π fix loadbalancer service to reconcile all ports instead of returning at the first #1089
Update .golangci.yml #1090
:book: Update documentation according to clusterctl sub command changes #1088
π± Standardize api import aliases #1082
Update OWNERS file #1084
πFix generated clouds.yaml for local e2e tests #1069
πAdd new maintainers and reviewers #1083
:sparkles: Port rework #1059
β¨ Allow webhook changes to OpenStackCluster.Spec.Bastion #1070
images: use k8s-staging-test-infra/gcb-docker-gcloud #1068
πCleanup ports #1063
:sparkles: Add tags on security groups created by capo #1053
πFix conversion of IdentityRef converting between v1alpha4 and v1beta1 #1066
π Update configuration document #1056
β¨Add unit tests for compute service #1061
πupdate logic to support more instance state #909
π Delete unused annotation #1057
πFixes for running E2E tests locally against devstack on OpenStack #1048
π Fix conversion-gen in Makefile #1052
π Update version support #1055
π Move sbueringer to emeritus maintainers #1058
β¨ Bump golangci-lint to 1.43.0 #1042
π Update RELEASE document #1051
π Fix yaml example #1050
β¨ Add v1beta1 API types #1047
πPull Calico from instead of #1049
β¨ Update CAPI to v1beta1 #1041
β¨ Remove ensure kind binary script from repository #1036
π Fix image push in Makefile for image-push jobs #1039
β¨E2E error logging improvements #1032
Check trunk support before enabling trunk at port level #1014
β¨ Change default branch to “main” #1031
β¨ Add tags to portOpts #1027
β¨Devstack on openstack and multi-AZ support #1026
π Add unit tests for getOrCreatePort func #1020
Port Tagging Regression #1016
π Fix typo in delete server log #1025
π Fix typo in OPENSTACK_CLOUD_CACERT_B64 example #1018
β¨ controllers: replace context.TODO with real context objects #1019
πupdate e2e container to latest cluster-api #1010
β¨Return all NodeAddresses in OpenStackMachine.Status.Addresses #1004
π Bump calico from v3.18.1 to v3.20.1 #1015
π Don’t make unnecessary REST API calls in getServerNetworks #994
β¨Allow update for some param only first time update #1012
β¨Add webhook of openstackcluster, no update allowed for now #1006
π Standardize metrics in networking package #1003
:sparkles: Allow clusters without a floating IP for the API server #973
:sparkles: Implement allowAllInClusterTraffic flag #998
π Move deletePorts back to compute package #1002
β¨Add InstanceStatus.AvailabilityZone() #992
π Add book link to README #996
π Refactor all network client calls into networking package #950
:bug: Add alpha3 Resources to Scheme #985
β οΈ Don’t overwrite on reconciliation #989
β¨Document running E2E tests locally #982
:bug: Fix Conversion from alpha3 to alpha4 #986
β¨Enhancements for running E2E tests locally #981
only use loadbalaner reference if needed #978
β¨ Allow Trunk configuration at a Port level #934
fix gate lint issue #980
Update flavor usage of e2e test #977
Add gc for error instance’s port #975
:sparkles: Refactor: Don’t use infrav1.Instance internally #971
β¨ Cleanup and refactor InstanceExists and DeleteInstance #960
getOrCreatePort: add support to configure port Profile #964
update from v1alpha3 to v1alpha4 in Makefile #970
πReturn error if instance go error #967
π bump controller-runtime to 0.9.6 to fix webhook tls errors #969
πAdd port security doc #958
π Add netlify.toml to publish our book #963
π ignore Conflict status in order to make instance able to detach interface #962
πFix broken link #957
π Fix failure to create server with specified tags #924
β¨ Apply Port Security to Ports #921
β¨ Add webhook readiness and health checks #955
π openstackcluster reconciliation: reset .Status.failureMessage and .Status.FailureReason on success #953
β¨ Do not update fip if its already mapped correct #947
β¨ Add mock client and 2 tests for networking package #935
π improve release documentation #946
β¨ Fix Webhook names for OpenStackMachineTemplate and OpenStackCluster #945
β¨ Add OpenStackClusterTemplates Type #933
π Adjust to fit v0.4.0 and bump k8s to v1.21.3 #944
β¨ Add conversion for SecretReference to string #937
π Wait for ports creation in ports e2e test #938
Use the kubernetesversions package of the cluster-api repo again #905
π Remove the ttl flag from sshuttle invocation #941
Revert “reassociate Floating IP if first associate fails” #939
Add failure fields in OpestackCluster status section #893
β¨ Add GET gophercloud metrics #932
reassociate Floating IP if first associate fails #930
β¨ add description and tag to floating ips #925
π sync linter settings with cluster-api repo and fix findings #923
Rename master to main #928
π use amphora image from GCS in e2e tests #922
β¨Update CAPI to v0.4.0 #919
π Upgrading a cluster without LBaaS is not supported #915
π Don’t log nil error when AuthInfo is not set #916
π Add test for custom port options feature #908
π fixup release targets and update doc accordingly #903
π Fix doc about external cloud provider #904
Add resource shortNames #894
π fix release staging target #902
β¨ Upgrade CAPI to v0.4.0-beta.0 #901
π Document custom ports feature #900
:sparkles: add predicates.ResourceIsNotExternallyManaged to cluster controller #897
β¨ Add feature to create ports with custom options #876
Fix error logging for OpenStack instance creation #891
π Fix event of associate/disassociate floating IP #880
Add some events related to load balancer #869
honor server group ID parm #881
Add metrics of gophercloud (POST,UPDATE and DELETE) actions #863
π Validate OpenStackMachineTemplate spec.template.spec immutability #872
π Refactor: use Service struct field more #871
Add seanschneeweiss as reviewer #874
Add chrischdi as reviewer #873
π Add some events and refactor related to instance #862
Add more logs for LB creation #867
π Add doc related to log level #866
Upgrade to latest CAPI version (2021-05-07) #861
β¨ api/v1alpha4 remove obsolete UserDataSecret field #865
β¨ Add gophercloud request logs, fix contexts #860
β¨ adjust loadbalancer wait.Backoff #853
π Fix polling deleting instance #852
set image param as optional for boot from volume #851
Delete watching Status when deleting #846
bump tests to Kubernetes 1.20.6 #849
Wait for instance delete #845
Cleanup docs changes #838
π add documentation about postsubmit and nightly images/manifests #836
πAdd book build process #822
π do not propagate the cloud field to clientconfig.AuthOptions #829
π fix conversion-gen #827
π Refactor/cleanup load balancer related code #835
π Optimize devstack setup on GCP, add a script to setup a devstack on AWS #800
π upgrade to latest CAPI version and upgrade/cleanup some other deps #833
π Refactor: event consistency #828
π fix path of uploaded artifacts #830
π publish nightly artifacts #819
π Reorder function variables #820
π Refactor: Make getLoadBalancerName function #823
π Remove note about CI #821
π Update supported version of k8s in Readme #818
π Test openstack key in our e2e tests #815
π Remove neutron lbaas support #813
π Delete bastion if basion.enabled=false #817
π Improve ci script patching #812
π Add e2e tests for all flavors #798
fix post-cluster-api-provider-openstack-push-images and add post-submit manifests #811
π Fix about bastion #810
π fix post-cluster-api-provider-openstack-push-images #809
π Update golangci-lint and fix most of the linter issues #797
π Update links for filing new issue #807
π Remove unused release note section in the PR template #806
π fix conversion gen #805
π Implement conformance test via e2e test framework #782
π Bump ginkgo version #803
π InstanceExists should not do substring search on name #799
π Make conversion-gen output location explicit #802
π update yq commands to support yq V4 #792
π Remove useOctavia from nonha template #795
π Remove disablePortSecurity: false from template #793
π goimports: fix import order, add local-prefix to linter #791
Update development guide #789
π Add todos to PR template #786
β¨ pkg/cloud/services/networking/securitygroups.go reimplement reconcilation #773
β¨ Update klog dependency to v2 #779
π migrate conformance test to Prow #759
π Update configuration doc #781
Initial impl v1alpha4 #748
Add support for failureDomain (AZ) for bastion #757
πRemove and #761
Fix gate issue (test failure) #767
π Update OWNERS files #766
Fix a doc typo #762
π Update pull request template to use /hold per default #758
:sparkles: AccessSubnetUUID: we can specify source subnet for access IP address #756
π use APIServerFloatingIP instead of ControlPlaneEndpoint.Host for LB #755
Refactory network functions (router.go==>network.go) #751
π improve #747
Fix clusterctl config command #744
Update sync logic #736
Fix LoadBalancerMember creation #737
π fix rbac aggregation manager role #743
π Pass GOPROXY environment variable to Docker image build #740
π Add NAMESPACE variable in cluster templates. #739
π Revert Merge pull request #725 #733
πRemove unnecessary field in manager.yaml #729
Specify –metrics-bind-addr for CAPO manager #725
update openstack provider format from // to /// #727
π Bump CAPI to v0.3.12 #724
πIgnore not found error when remove router interface #720
π Add instructions to use cluster template with load-balancer #703
Fix ca-file path in env.rc #716
move from 0.3.1 to 0.3.3 in the CI test #686
:bug: Fix domain_name and domain_id usage in env.rc #714
π Refactor loadbalancer package #710
πRefactor create, delete instance #711
π Move ncdc to emeritus status #708
:bug: Add SecurityGroup to Loadbalancerport when not using octavia #700
π Fix SecurityGroupInUse error #705
Fix nil pointer error for Network #693
π Add OpenStack version to bug report template #696
π fix getting log #697
π Delete spec.disableServerTags of OpenStackCluster #692
β¨ Align flag names with upstream Kubernetes components #690
update Make method to avoid mismatch #688
move to capi 0.3.11 #683
Add cluster-template-external-cloud-provider.yaml into release doc #682
Add openstack ussuri into support list #586
Switch CI from U to V release #680
Move log to creating place #673
set openstack cluster status for Bastion #671
π Update how to retrieve kubeconfig #677
β¨ Add support for Tilt #666
nit: remove duplicate blanks #672
π Fix to delete only automatically created floating IPs #669
fix location for env.rc file #665
Add doc update for boot from volume case #664
Add root volume support (put root volume into instance create param) #662
π Update reference to the latest version of CAPO v0.3.1 #656
Remove USE_PYTHON3 #660
β¨ Delete automatically created floating IP when deleting cluster #653
π Cleanup unused variables #657
π Delete spec.kubeadmConfigSpec.ntp.servers in cluster-template-without-lb.yaml #659
π Bump Go to v1.13.15 in conformance pr job #658
π Fix event message about port ID with associate Floating IP #655
Remove unnecessary colon #654
β¨ My594 revised #590 #594 wrong parameter for a user provider network #610
π Update calico version in documentation #652
Add openStackMachine.Status.Addresses value #648
π Bump CAPI to v0.3.10 #650
β¨ Add events deleting resources #645
Add doc for how to move a cluster #630
π Update external cloud provider URL #646
Update configuration document #644
π Bump Go to 1.13.15 #640
Add force move of secret cloud config #636
update cluster-api to 0.3.9 #639
Refactor creating/deleting instance #641
Add version into log #638
default concurrent reconcile from 1 to 10 #637
β¨ Add bastion host to login the nodes and update non HA template #619
CI: Wget kubernetes binary be quiet #632
π Fix Link for external openstack template #629
Add tags to status #617
cleanup keys params #625
nit: update name of get
output for openstackmachine #624
π Add CAPO version to github issue template #623
π Fix get openstackcluster to show ENDPOINT value #620
Rename to capoerrors #618
Remove Tag creation for ports and add description for it #596
Add application cred usage #599
switch to no-admin for CI test #606
π Fix e2e test Kubernetes official binaries version #616
π Update template for the external cloud provider #611
update openstack CI test version from T => U #605
β¨ Use OpenStack key pair instead of KubeadmConfig spec #607
π e2e test uses official Kubernetes version #613
π Bump Cluster-API to v0.3.8 #615
Update e2e test and document of non lb case #608
β¨Add external network discovery #573
nit: replace return with exit #602
π Add reference to the external cloud provider doc #600
πUpdate mtu size in Makefile #598
π Add hidekazuna to reviewer #597
β¨ Use external cloud provider #595
Add more logs for debug purpose #593
nit: Add default egress rule description #585
Add event for seucrity group #592
report error if security group not exist #583
Add doc tip for floating ip #575
π Update Required Configuration #576
π Fix #579
ignore router get return 404 error #571
Add generated security groups automatically #563
π Invoke KUSTOMIZE in release-manifests #569
π Show openstackcluster ENDPOINT #570
update doc about ssh security group #564
Remove APIServerLoadBalancerAdditionalPorts #561
π Fix auto generate security groups #555
Make DisablePortSecurity compatible with platforms not using the port⦠#560
π Update support for CAPI v0.3.5 #552
π enable managedAPIServerLoadBalancer w/ existing network #548
π Set up OPENSTACK_CLOUD environment variable in env.rc #550
reviewers: remove flaper87 #549
π Update Configuration doc #545
Add additional info when error occur #541
π e2e test: switch to -bazel folder because bin folder has been removed #540
π remove docker-build from build test #542
Add availability zone to be used by controller plane #537
π Pr add prow test scripts #539
π Fix updating to Cluster API v0.3.3 #538
π Fix cluster-template.yaml #534
Add 1.18 support into list #536
π Add Stein to v1alpha3 tested version #535
π Add Zuul jobs for e2e conformance tests #491
π use sec groups from the current project, wait for lb from last reconcile #523
π Update to cluster-api v0.3.3, controller-tools v0.2.8 and controller-runtime v0.5.2 #532
β¨ Delete router/network/subnet #522
β¨ Add ServerGroupID to OpenStackMachineSpec #531
Fix cacert issue #527
avoid basename usage to avoid source action failure #529
Revert “Add kuryr support” #221
Full changelog
Bug 2013945 : pvc stuck on pending status when using preallocated storage domain #89
Updating ose-ovirt-csi-driver builder & base images to be consistent with ART #75
Full changelog
Updating ose-service-ca-operator images to be consistent with ART #177
Update go version to 1.16 #179
Bug 1981633 : add vulnerable legacy injector to allow for upgrade clusters to use … #168
Full changelog
Source code for this page located on github